5 common causes of ladder accidents

Depending on your profession, you may have to use a ladder to complete your job or task. For example, if you work in construction or as a painter there won’t be many days that go by when you don’t use a ladder at least once.

You will never know if something bad could happen to you if you misused the ladder. Even if you have many years of experience on a ladder, it only takes one mistake to cause a serious accident.

Here are some of the most common causes of ladder accidents:
Slippery footwear
Overreaching when working on a ladder.
Using the wrong ladder for
the job
Placing the ladder on soft
and/or uneven ground
The ladder is used in front of a door and/or in the middle of the hall way

In you are happened to be in a ladder accident, you’ll want to call for help, stay where you are and report the incident to your employer or to the nearest people around you (if you’re capable of doing so). All of this will lead you to receive immediate medical treatment, and to eventually learn more about your legal rights.

If you’re struggling to choose the right ladder for a certain task, you can browse our products by clicking the button below. As always, you can call or WhatsApp us if you have any questions.