Who are We

Step by Step is under the company of Ladder Technology Industrial Sdn. Bhd. and was established in the year of 2010. Our vision is to guide people to use the right ladder in order to avoid ladder accidents and faulty ladders in the market. Thus, our mission is to produce our own ladder brand that is emphasized on high quality with more safety features.

Why our ladders?

Choosing Step by Step as your go to ladder will not disappoint you as we provide from aluminum, fiberglass and even to cat ladders to fulfill household and professional use in Malaysia’s market. Our ladder can even load up to as heavy as a weight of 150kg depending on individual’s working load and purpose. In addition, Step by Step also comply to international product stand for instance; BS EN131, BS 2037, and many others. Use our ladder with no hesitation as our products are highly focused on its quality and safety for a long lasting usage.Not to worry! Other than ladders, spare parts and any accessories for selected ladders such as; rubber shoes and hinges are available on our website.

What we Emphasized on?

As for someone that uses a ladder for work purpose, it will be highly encouraged to follow the necessary safety precautions before and after climbing. Most people take ladders lightly and it resulted into a severe injuries and even cause death. Below are the common injuries due to a ladder accidents:

If you’re facing any of the above, immediately seek for a medical checkup because it could be severe in a long term and may result into a possible disability. Do not overlook a minor injuries. This is why choosing the right preference for a ladder and understanding its usage and safety is our motive.

Step by Step' Philosophy

The concept of Step by Step is to educate you and your loved ones with proper safety knowledge and guidance on how to use ladder before, during and after. Our goal is to minimize the risk of ladder accident to which why the ladder that we produced comes with safety features, high quality and durable. Hence, the ladder’s design is complied to international standards.

You may have notice that many are still using their ladders even when the step has bended, missing parts and most even have a common practice to place the ladder on uneven floor and sit on the top of the ladder. This type of unsafety actions will likely cause injuries. You might take it lightly as a common accident but by following the right instructions. It will prevent from more harm. Prevention is better than cure!

Choose Step by Step as your choice in safety ladder!

Made in Malaysia
Emphasize on safety features and durability
Educate user with ladder safety knowledge
Direct from manufacturer
Spare part and accessories available
Customer service support
Professional ladder training
Company has established more than 10 years
Continuous R&D on our ladder

Laddertech Group

All about industrial ladder
solutions with ladder safety knowledge
and ladder safety
training program. 

Learn more about the various
produced types of ladders from aluminium, fiberglass and customization

Find your suitable ladder with our ladder selector tool on Ladder Hub.
It carries various type of the local brand of ladder manufacturers.