
Ladders are such an everyday tool that many people take them for granted. Each task needs to be examined to determine whether there is a risk of falling and how that risk can be eliminated or minimised. Therefore, you should always check to spot any obvious defects to make sure the ladder is safe to use.

The check should include :

1) Inspect and read the safety labels.
2) The steps or rungs must be tight and secure to the side rails (ladder body).
3) All fittings need to be properly and securely attached.
4) The ladder feet must have the slip resistant material (rubber shoes or footer with rubber pad).
5) The ladder base shall be placed on a secure and even footing.
6) Ladders shall be free of oil, grease, or slippery materials.

If you spot any defects, do not use the ladder and tell the person in charge of the work.  By any chance, if you have any questions about working safely on the ladder, you can contact or WhatsApp Step by Step for more information.